CD Program Development

CD Program Development Pty Ltd was established in 2011 to meet the demands of busy GP clinics unable to find the human or financial resources to effectively manage chronic disease patients.

Our mission is to increase the excitement, and subsequent motivation, about chronic disease management among GP’s, nurses, practice staff and patients.  We do this by implementing strategic, assertive and intentional clinic patient management programs that allow more at-risk chronic disease patients to effectively manage and improve their health.

Furthermore, we support healthcare professionals to effectively treat and manage their patient populations.  We aim to tailor a solution that maximises existing clinic opportunities without the immediate need to increase staff and other associated costs.

CD Program Development personnel have nine years’ combined experience in frontline nursing, health care, hospital and general practice, plus 13 years in healthcare sales, marketing, account management and business development.  We have a proven track record of success with clinics and patients in New South Wales, South Australia, Victoria and Western Australia.

For more information, please contact us using the form below: